Our Blog

The Big Red Bird Blog, named in honor of our giant 6′ avian mascot, is a great place to view photos and read about events put on or attended by the Cardinal family and clients. Read a few (or read them all!) and see if you can count the smiles!

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Trace Adkins Concert

Jody needed someone to go to the Trace Adkins concert with her on January 23, and I was the lucky person who got to Escort her. Jody was so excited to go and see Trace, she was cheering and whooping before leaving the house! Jody enjoyed going out to dinner before the concert, getting some concert…


Looking Back: 2019 Helping Out

The 10 days of giving ended for Winona Volunteer Services and someone had to put all of the food in the food shelf! Megan, Lydia, Michelle and Jayda volunteered an afternoon to do just that. It’s a wonderful experience as always, to help others less fortunate.


Airport Fun

When returning from Cancún, Mexico the end of January, our company President, Jack Priggen, saw a familiar face.  George (one of our In-home clients) was a little surprised to see JP and was obviously delighted when JP put his Mexico straw hat on him.  He agreed to wear it to the office the next time…


Dennis Retires!

Dennis retired from the Fillmore County DAC recently after 33 years of working.  He still attends on Thursdays for Bingo and to see his friends.  He spends most of his days going to the sales barn and watching his cowboy shows.  Enjoy the retirement life, Denny!


Fall Ball

One Saturday last October, the Twin Poplars house was all a buzz and the words of the day was FALL BALL! Teri was excited when she got up until the time she went to bed. Teri got up and did her usual routine but we added getting the bike done in the morning.  She was…