Our Blog

The Big Red Bird Blog, named in honor of our giant 6′ avian mascot, is a great place to view photos and read about events put on or attended by the Cardinal family and clients. Read a few (or read them all!) and see if you can count the smiles!

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Good Neighbor Award

In 2019, The Good Neighbor Award was presented to our very own Sue Foster- by one of the Cardinal of Minnesota clients, Rodney. “Sue wears many “hats” at Cardinal of Minnesota but the most special hat that she wears is that of a “friend”. Sue has taken a special interest in Rodney and sharing his…



Hey guys! The clients at Valley Crest have been staying VERY active!!  Some of the of things they are enjoying include some physical activities such as bowling, picking up sticks, mowing, biking, going on walks and playing ball.  We like to keep active here and the guys enjoy it so much!  


When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure

We said our last “see you later” to our beloved William “Billy” Whiteley at his celebration of life at the Sobieski Park Lodge. William lived in our Goodview residence in Winona and truly made the house a home with his genuine love, care, humor and grace. He is truly missed by all who were blessed…


Recognizing Aaron’s hard work!

Today at the 2019 Annual PossAbilities Employment Awards Banquet, long time Cardinal client Aaron Reyes was awarded the Jim and Judy Sloan Explorer Award. This is the highest honor awarded to a PossAbilities client. Aaron has worked with PossAbilites for over 20 years. Nathan Bell, his job coach of close to 20 years is shown…


Dancing with Angels

Every year Cardinal residents, among others, look forward to celebrating Sara Bea (who had lived in a Cardinal home) by dancing the night away. “Sara was born and lived her life in Rochester, Minnesota. Although she had multiple handicaps, Sara touched the lives of many through her quick smile and engaging eyes during her many…