In-Home Services
In-Home and Semi-Independent Living Services (SILS) are typically available to clients who live on their own or in their family’s home. Since the client already has a residence, they can begin receiving services right away.
These services are provided on an hourly basis, and vary based on the client’s needs. Clients living in homes with working parents may receive In-Home support or SILS every day, improving the quality of their lives. Most clients, however, receive 20 hours of service or less per week – allowing our Delight Specialists to give them the support they need, while also ensuring a sense of individuality and freedom often gained from independence.
In-Home and Semi-Independent Living Services provided by Cardinal of Minnesota include, but are certainly not limited to:
- Assisting with financial management/budgeting
- Meal planning, meal preparation, and shopping
- Planning for exercise and wellness
- Managing and cleaning the household
- Accessing public transportation
- Medication administration
- Assisting with medical issues
- Teaching social and interpersonal skills
- Social and recreational development
- Personal appearance and hygiene
- Use of community resources
- Coping skills and behavior management
If you have questions about In-Home or Semi-Independent Living Services, or to request more information, please contact an Administrator